Grief & Acceptance

Every time there is a change, it is like a small death … the old is no more and the new is born. With change comes the need to process and get used to the new way. Grieving is a crucial step in the healing process. Feeling grief means being Continue Reading

Letting Go to Move On

We always have a choice. We can (and should) get rid of things that no longer serve us, instead of carrying extra weight around and keep stuff just for the sake of not paying attention to what’s already “there”. But as everything else in life, to accomplish something, conscious intention Continue Reading


After one of my sessions with my therapist, we were talking about how I can be independent, autonomy and happy no matter where I am, with the person I am, doing whatever I am doing – how can I be myself fully – regardless – as a reflection he asked Continue Reading

The time I did not have Breast Cancer

It was Sept/2012 and I thought I had already gone through all kinds of challenges and that nothing else would threaten my world. But of course it wasn’t the case… It was not yet the time to be sure of myself, strong, and with a confident self-image. A bomb was Continue Reading