FORGIVENESS – Live Fully Today Blog If not now, When? Mon, 03 Jan 2022 12:42:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 FORGIVENESS – Live Fully Today Blog 32 32 Letting Go to Move On Fri, 31 Dec 2021 21:07:49 +0000 Continue Reading]]>

We always have a choice. We can (and should) get rid of things that no longer serve us, instead of carrying extra weight around and keep stuff just for the sake of not paying attention to what’s already “there”.

But as everything else in life, to accomplish something, conscious intention is required. A decision to pause and ask yourself: how is this serving me? Many of the stuff we keep, mostly happen because we don’t give it proper attention as it shows up in our world. According to many organizers experts, you should touch things just once and right there make a decision: keep it, or don’t: donate, throw it out / get rid of it or exchange/ bring it back – obviously you don’t want it and all these categories just justify how you feel about disposing it. The one rule to keep something is to truly love it. According to Marie Kondo, it must spark joy or you will be just moving it around until you’re ready to face the truth and (finally) bless & release it.

It sounds simple when we refer to stuff. However there is much more on the table… and involved in this. We are talking about people, behaviors, old beliefs, attitude, habits, self-pity, lifestyle, whatever it is. It all involves a decision to change, to let go of what no longer fits you (or has never done) to finally face it and deal with it. It may sound harsh but it’s about it. Not doing or dealing with it is pure waste: of money, time, life, you name it.

Staying in a relationship that is no longer working is a waste of life. Pretending everything is OK when both know it’s not and you have already tried whatever it is and didn’t work. No one is supposed to sacrifice. Be with someone is a daily choice. Nobody “has to put up with someone else’s lack of maturity”. Stop, be an adult, you know it’s time to face it. Just do it.
What about those old ways of being!? Are you happy with your life, your results, your health, your finances, work, relationships !? It’s all a reflection of what’s going on inside, 100%. We attract what we are. We’re actually like a magnet, whatever frequency we operate from, we’re bringing to us all the same. Focusing on what you don’t want will bring you more of the same.

End of the year is a great opportunity to get rid of old calendars, planners and scheduler. How about we add a few more things into that bulk and leave it all behind – make it history -and stop talking about it!?

Let’s make room for the NEW and choose intentionally what you want.

A few questions will guide you and help you build your wish list. But there’s a couple of rules… 1. Believe it is possible and that writing it down, will speed up bringing them up to your reality. 2. No if’s, buts, once this or that ( and don’t wants are prohibited!). Seriously imagine for a second that whatever burning desire you entertain in your mind and think of in details, there’s a gene of the lamp responding:”Your wish is my command” as in magic… wouldn’t you want to add a zero to the financial goal? Another room to the dream home? Be a bit more specific into describing your ideal work, or life partner!?

The big problem we have is that we were conditioned to accept whatever, because most of us grew up in a scarcity mentality, but that is not what God intended for us, but to enjoy, to experience things, to be, to have and to be witness of His abundance and prosperity – an exaggeration of magnificence.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord: “plans to prosper you, not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”

Jeremiah 29:11

Light a candle, or use some essential oil in a diffuser, play some ambience music and take the time to give in to your imagination and allow it to manifest beautiful things you desire, journaling into these prompts / questions…

What would I love to happen in 2022?
Wouldn’t be wonderful that this year….

Where would I love to have accomplished this new year?
my brand new perfect life and the most wonderful lifestyle I deserve is now my new reality… I live… I work… I shop… I get up… I create…

I can’t believe all these things happened at work / my business…so fast!

What a miracle to live a relationship like this…

I absolutely love living in my dream home

My finances have quantum leaped and I am living a dream, with luxury, abundance and prosperity. I feel wonderful in every purchase I make, …

I absolutely love the way I look, my body, mind and spirit are in sync and beautifully expressing my truth, living a happy, meaningful and fulfilling life, helping others by ….

I show up as my most divine self every single day, as my best version, to my family, loved ones, friends, clients, prospects. I am loved, respected, admired, beautiful, powerful, limitless. I feel blessed, guided and inspired!

I am a divine expression of God and am here for an amazing mission I’m enthused and honored with this opportunity. So grateful for all the lessons and blessing propelling me forward in this perfect journey I call my most perfect life.

Keep the pen moving, the fingers typing, the voice dictating, whatever your style is. Put energy into this and allow it to come to fruition. You deserve it!

Remember to forget the old, rusty luggage behind, together with all the bad stuff. Enter into 2022 with Faith in the knowing that “ Your desire is God working through you” – Robert A Russell

Happy Clean Slate! Make it beautiful, shine, colorful, just the way you want!
Decide that 2022 is a Very Happy New Year, no matter what !

Cheers to a wonderful opportunity to make it right, and to love it ❤!!!


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I can’t believe you did that! Thu, 01 Apr 2021 00:21:18 +0000 Continue Reading]]> How many times have you said those very words to yourself?

I myself can relate to that.

There has been a time in my life when I realized how many bad decisions I made, how poorly I have chosen things and how clueless I was in my approach and the way I experienced life.

It happened right after the moment I realized how unhappy I was.

It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”

Epictetus (55-135) Greek Philosopher

It was my 30th birthday. I woke up and did not want to leave the room, I did not want to see anyone. All I cared about was my 5yo son and the baby I was carrying in my belly, nothing else. I used to live in a tiny 40 mts2 apt with my ex-husband and his mother. It was very complicated.

The marriage was wrong from the beginning, circumstances brought me to that very moment. Four months after my baby was born, I was diagnosed with Melanoma and another one two months later. I had to stop breastfeeding my baby and to me it was the most devastating part of the story.

I had moved away from my family because I was convinced no one loved me or even cared for me. I was alone. It was hard. Two years later another cancer threat scared me and I believed it was my time to die. It was real, I was devastated, depressed and hopeless.

How I came out of that is subject for another day, but thank God I did and am so grateful for it.

Years after my separation I learned to forgive… I thought I did, but I truly did not. It happened while working on my annulment paperwork…

As I relived every single episode of my story, what happened to me and how I used to blame my parents for being in that marriage, my ex-husband for being the way he was and myself for getting stuck into that situation…

I understood that whatever my parents did, imposed or said was because of their belief system, the way they learned how to live, to survive based on their own education, life experiences, perception, how they were raised and so much more. It was not their fault, but the way they saw the world, and it was their reality. The positive intention behind all that was to protect me – the way they knew how to do it. And I forgave them.

The same for my ex-husband, who had his own traumas and problems in life that have never been resolved and he kept living the same relationship with different people – it just happened that at that time I was the victim…

The hardest one was to look into all that I did, chose, things I wish I took another route… Of course looking from today’s eyes, things seemed obvious. Thank God I have evolved. If I had to make the same decisions today, of course they would be different, but at that time, I convinced myself that it was what I knew and did the best I could then. I saw myself as a my younger version, begging for understanding, acceptance, forgiveness and love and I made a decision to surrender to that beautiful young and naive soul. I have also chosen to believe that I am living my own journey – as everyone else – and that there is no right or wrong, but the choices I make that will determine the outcome of it all – and of course the consequences.

Each day is a new day, a new opportunity to start new, fresh and in a clean slate. Making peace with all that have hurt you has nothing to do with them, but freeing yourself up – so that you can finally fly.

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The “F” word Mon, 14 Sep 2020 14:56:24 +0000 Continue Reading]]>

Remember the good, let go of the rest!


It is so easy to hold on to bad feelings, to keep going back to moments that let us down. To play over and over again one scene of our lives when things did not go well: the way they were supposed to, the way we wanted, the way we expected…

We did or said something that when we realized was already too late.

Somebody acted in a way towards us that we are still staring at the moment, even after years have passed.

Something happened – and it was not good – it was our fault or someone else’s but the moment got spoiled.

We hear a lot about the “F” word, but when it come to us, it is finally our turn to use it, seems way too difficult to embrace it.

There is nothing harder in life than to practice F O R G I V E N E S S.

No matter if it is going back trying to make amendments regarding ourselves, the way we behaved, the words we chose, the ton of voice we used, the gestures, or just the opposite, our silence and lack of action. Of course after the fact, it is easy to assess and know better. It is like investing in the financial market. At the end of the day, you know exactly the moments you should have bought, you should have sold, or you should have stayed put. However, being present in a live-real time world is harder, making decisions as stuff happen, responding and many times overreacting to situations, some in a way we didn’t mean to.

Looking back we know exactly what we were suppose to do, or to say, but didn’t and now we have to live with all that luggage with us forever, right!?

Wrong. We do not need to keep carrying any garbage with us. Don’t we do Spring Cleaning and other “seasonal” decluttering to get rid of the old and give space to the new!? Why is it so hard to do the same thing with our minds, our memories, our unsettled moments, our “unhappy ending” stories? There are always good things to remember, there is always something, one tiny little positive thing to carry with you – even if you need to use a magnifying glass to find it – that is where we should focus on and release us from the negativity of those “let down” scenes.

Picture: Richard Brutyo Thanks!

The only way to set us free is to put forgiveness in practice:

  1. Ask for forgiveness
  2. Forgive others
  3. Forgive yourself

No matter if the other side (or your older or younger self) is not ready to go along with your kindness…. it is not about them. It is all about you, stop carrying the heavy bag with all the hurt, sorrow, pain, regrets etc. You make peace with the moment, the person, yourself in another life moment. They will eventually have to do the same, whenever they are ready, but by then, you might be already flying, exploring new endeavors…

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