Soul Mate

A tribute to Stacie Chevrier Today I woke up to a world with one less friend… How is that possible? I am devastated. I can’t believe it, I just can’t. She’s so young, beautiful, full of life. I’ve been working on my business, generating content, talking to my audience, engaging Continue Reading

How to Start your Day

For being alive, awake and aware, I give thanks! Iyanla Vanzant So many people say so many things about what is the best way to start your day. I’ve been trying to practice the Miracle Morning SAVERS forever and still couldn’t be consistent in doing it, even though I love Continue Reading

Did She know?

To Mom, my dearest mother-in-law, to which I’ve loved more than I anticipated or could ever describe. – Sheyla Zito How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. – A. A. Milne – Life Lessons From Winnie-the-Pooh Years back, I’ve written something which was actually Continue Reading

Kudos to Techy

Today I would like to practice my gratitude to technology. What a blessing to be granted intelligence to create and use technology in our daily lives (despite the headaches and frustration it creates at times) it has reduced distances and made the world smaller and people closer, regardless of their Continue Reading