ATTITUDE – Live Fully Today Blog If not now, When? Thu, 26 Aug 2021 16:04:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ATTITUDE – Live Fully Today Blog 32 32 Why ? Thu, 22 Apr 2021 19:07:11 +0000 Continue Reading]]> Why do we take so hard on ourselves?

Why do we see beauty on everyone else but us?

Why don’t we see perfection at the mirror?

Why do we criticize every tiny bit of ourselves and overlook serious stuff around us?

Why are we so quick to condemn and so slow to forgive?

Why we, God’s highest form of creation still doubt and many times deny our Creator?

A Majestic Sunset – God’s Master Piece from my driveway in Spring Hill, TN – April 13th,21

Why can’t we love ourselves the same way we love our children? 

Why don’t we accept, honor, respect, appreciate and love ourselves but expect others to do it? 

Why wouldn’t we recognize our value, acknowledge and feel proud until/unless someone else does it?

Why? Why don’t we, Why can’t we, Why wouldn’t we? Why? 

Sheyla Zito

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2021 Sun, 31 Jan 2021 20:38:26 +0000 Continue Reading]]> – I don’t even know you but already love you!  

Those were the first words that came to mind as soon as I stepped out of 2020…

What a year that was, wasn’t it!?

What a wonderful thing this feeling of new beginnings… 

Nothing really happened, actually we just added “1” to the number and as in magic, everything transformed. Excitement, hope, willingness to do and try something different, new plans and of course, the old and so well known “New Year’s Resolution”.

For the first time, I decided I was not going to embark on that one, because it felt like a source of disappointment in the previous years and a realization how I did not follow through on my unconditional promises to myself. 

I changed my approach a little bit, though. I’ve been learning a lot about the whole mindset thing, manifestation and self-image. Gosh I feel like everybody is talking about that, so I decided to give it a try…

“Your results reflect the way you see yourself”. Ouch! I thought as I went through a self assessment in my mind and I heard my inner voice reviving a video lesson…

– Really!? How is that possible!? I started asking myself – upset about how some things were in some areas of my life.

It wasn’t too long ago when I realized that I was actually upset with myself, my lack of action and/or excess of bad planning.

Each time I thought about doing something great, immediately I would block that idea and think that wasn’t for me…

Maybe it wasn’t, but I could at least have given a try, right!?

“Whether you think you can or that you can’t, you are correct” – Thomas Edison reminded me of his wisdom. 

– Do I really want to hear all this stuff? – I asked myself.

– Yes you do, Sheyla! (exclamation point) yelled my inner voice.

– You said you were ready for a change, didn’t you!? 

Welcome on board and enjoy the ride! 

With love,


P.S. Remember you can do whatever you want, one day at a time. Be grateful, all the time, because any second everything can be taken away from you. Make a decision right now to be healthy, happy and to Live Fully 2day. It is a privilege to be here, so enjoy the Present!!

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✨ Pearl Harbor ✨ Fri, 04 Dec 2020 17:26:53 +0000 Continue Reading]]>

Our military thought that they couldn’t get to Pearl Harbor, that it was too long a journey from Japan to get there, and they proved us wrong.

Jerry Bruckheimer

🔥 How many times we think of things being impossible, too hard to do, or to accomplish? and right there we stop going in that direction!? ⚡

👉 The truth is you are the only problem you will ever going to have and you are also the only solution! 👈

🎯 It is all about our mindset, what is going on inside – the inner talk – that determines our results.

Do you think the Japanese thought they could not do it!? 😒

This is a huge reflection for us…
But today I’d like to honor all the ones that made the ultimate sacrifice 🙏 back then in 1941, their loved ones and families that till this day are impacted by such a tragedy. 💞

See, as terrible as it was, it marked the moment US decided to enter the WWII and you know the facts, later on led to the end of the war. 🌷

Thank you @Casey Horner for the gorgeous picture – Unsplash!

💥 Think of those things that might have happened in your life… would it be an opportunity to turn things around and “right your story”? 🌹

Think about it…

#pearlharbor #pearlharborfilm #pearlharborgiftshop #pearlharborhawaii #pearlharborkai #pearlHarbortribute #adversities #breakdown #breakdowns #breakthrough #breakthroughs #rupture #ruptures

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The other half Tue, 20 Oct 2020 17:41:48 +0000 Continue Reading]]> YOU WILL NEVER FIND YOUR OTHER HALF

There are so many people in the world desperate trying to find their other half – their better part… How terrible is that!?

What a let down to imagine that we have to outsource to find “our better part”!

Thousands of people are looking for the “perfect partner” without realizing that before that happen they must become the “perfect partner”. You won’t be able to understand and love someone else before you truly love yourself first.

If you are looking for your best part – means that if you can’t find it, you are stuck with your worst part!? 😳 Think about it…

We are not halves. We are entire.

Even the Bible tell us:

You shall love your neighbor as yourself

Mark 12:31

If you don’t love yourself, understand, respect yourself, how you are going to be able to love someone else? We all have different roots, family history, culture, education, life experience, relationships, physical bodies, colors, shapes and sizes. That combination added to your distinct and sometimes extreme levels of psychological, emotional and spiritual intelligence can alone be the ingredient to set you in a unique path in life.

Trump & Melanie – Engagement night

People forget that every day we set the bar in how we want the world to treat us. How we take care of ourselves, put ourselves first – so that we can take care of others! Each time we say “yes” to others not wanting to, we are truly saying “no” to ourselves – being incongruent – creating mental and later on physical illness. We null ourselves so that we can “please” others – another perfect recipe for failure in relationships.

The world is full of “givers” and “takers” -The first ones – usually with self-esteem issues – can’t stop giving and have such a hard time accepting – until one day they fall into exhaustion and drop dead into depression. And on the other side there will always be the takers – the opportunists – trying to take advantage of all givers. Sadly one attracts the other until they realize their modus operandi; we don’t need to worry about the bloody suckers, they too will get their life’s lesson.

I know a lot of people who have the very same relationship with different people – they keep repeating the same pattern without realizing – and keep changing the antagonist – frustrated how they can never find the right person – again, they don’t get that until they become the right person, they will never attract such partner.

Everyone is looking for like minded people to be around. Wouldn’t be wonderful to find someone to share life with in that same state of mind!? Many people do and might experience their happily ever after – snapshots reflect that. What they fail to realize is that there is a constant evolution – we evolve as beings, experiencing our own journeys regardless who is our partner – and somehow believe we can still fit the new into the old “model”. I’ve heard the other day a priest saying that when a man finally meets “the woman” or vice-versa, that’s what their inner-voice sound like:

Him: – She is perfect. I hope she never changes…

Her: – He is great, not perfect but with me by his side, he will change…

What most likely will happen is:

Men expected they didn’t, but the certain thing is women will change

Women thought they could do it, but the truth is, men won’t change – unless they reach that need and make the choice by themselves.

Nobody changes anybody. We plant seeds, we cultivate, we suggest, we recommend, we set the bar, we take action, but we CANNOT change someone else – that is a inner decision and takes a lot time, investment, effort, persistence and patience (from the other side).

You can lead a horse to water, but you can‘t make it drink.

John Heywood

We are not the same person we were 10, 5 or even 2 years ago. The same happens to our partner – or partner-to-be. Life happens both sides, values & beliefs influence our life’s journey, circumstances might affect the way we perceive experiences, how we make decisions, what is important to us or not.

Some people believe and even say: “I am good. I am married already.” like it was a title they conquered and it doesn’t require maintenance. Being with someone is a daily decision, a choice we make.

We must invest in ourselves, to educate, to build what we want, to defend and fight for what we believe, to become entire, sure of ourselves, free and happy. Then it might happen in the process that the energy you emanate will touch another person in a similar journey and you will meet.

You don’t wait until you meet someone to become the person you wanna be, to determine your values & beliefs and to set your convictions. We are all under construction and grow with time once we invest into it and are influenced by the people we respect and admire. But we must be entire each step of the process and have an open mind to accept new perspectives.

The secret for a perfect relationship is to have each other truly committed and investing daily to help their partner become their Best Version. Understand what is important to the other, what they value, listen to them, help them transform their weakness, believe in them, empower their strengths, trust, love unconditionally, value their expertise, respect their point of view and try to learn from them. By both doing that you will build your unique foundation and grow you own perfect castle together.

Life is light and fun when you have someone to laugh about your own imperfections, the silly things you do every day, a person to play with and to make fun – your favorite weirdo.

It is a joy to experience life with a person you trust and want to be with. Another human being completely different, but that you can truly be yourself. Someone entire, that met another resolved, great being – not perfect – but the one that you want and choose to share life together.

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