DECISION – Live Fully Today Blog If not now, When? Mon, 03 Jan 2022 12:44:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DECISION – Live Fully Today Blog 32 32 Freedom Mon, 15 Nov 2021 20:33:55 +0000 Continue Reading]]>

After one of my sessions with my therapist, we were talking about how I can be independent, autonomy and happy no matter where I am, with the person I am, doing whatever I am doing – how can I be myself fully – regardless – as a reflection he asked me to write about – what is freedom to me.

Interesting enough I had just read the amazing book The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A. Singer. At the end of the book, he talks about “Unconditional Happiness”, which means making a decision to be happy no matter what happens to you, in your life – I love that concept

I see lots of people practicing “Conditional Happiness” – once this or that happens I will be happy, after I heal, as soon as I get a job, if I get the promotion… I’m sure when I find someone… when we get married… by the time we have kids… there is an infinite list of things that must happen.

But the challenge is truly to put all those things aside and make a decision that no matter what happens, be happy. Even if your wife leaves you, even if your husband dies, or the stock market crashes, or your car breaks down or even if you go to jail. – says the author

“Do you want to be happy from this point forward for the rest of your life, regardless of what happens?”

There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It’s not a question of whether your happiness is under your control. Of course it’s under your control. It’s just what you don’t really mean it when you say you’re willing to stay happy. You want to qualify it. You want to say that as long as this doesn’t happen, or as long as that does happen, then you’re willing to be happy. That’s why it seems like it is out of your control. Any condition you create will limit your happiness. You simply aren’t going to be able to control things and keep them the way you want them.

Michael A. Singer

Why are you talking about happiness, if this post is about freedom, Sheyla, you may be asking yourself? Well, think about, are they related or not?

…and here is what I came up with speaking about Freedom

Freedom for me is doing what I want, when I want, and the way I want.
Dress as I choose, buy what I like, enjoy what gives me pleasure.

Freedom for me is being the owner of my own nose, coming and going as I please.

Freedom for me is to express myself freely, do what I want, without judging me or caring about what the others think, says or how they act towards me.

Freedom for me is choosing the life I want, having what is important to me, enjoying it with whoever I am with, anytime and for as long as I want. (Does this sound like I’m using the other person? It did as I first wrote, but now, it sounds like basics to me, isn’t!? If I am not to choose my own life, who else?)

Freedom is embodying my convictions, being true to them until I change my mind – and being okay with that too!

The more I write the more I realize how to be free is to be selfish… is it? And being selfish is ugly. It’s not a God’s thing. Is it? What about the thing about loving my neighbor as thyself? If I don’t love myself, how can I understand or either love others?

It sounds like a mess…, is it? Not? To me now, it’s really seems to be clear.

Freedom is breathing, moving, going, staying, looking, feeling, smelling, eating, touching, listening to what I want, when I want, as much as I want, however I want, whenever I want and for as long as I want, anytime I want.

Ah this is freedom. Decide what to think, what to want, what to imagine, what to rationalize, what to follow, what to believe. It’s putting my will into work and to act upon whatever I feel inspired to. It is choosing the perspective I want and that suits me, it’s having faith that what I’m doing (or not doing) is the right thing. Freedom is being aware of it all, honoring each one of them and feeling good about myself. It’s knowing I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, doing the right thing and exactly what I’m doing (or not doing) and the way I’m doing it – with or without company – I pick.

Freedom is listening without having to react, choosing what moves me or makes me reflect. It’s understanding that it’s up to me, only me, to act or not, to do or not, to have or not, to be or not. Sounds complex… It isn’t, really, now as I read it all seem way too simple.

Freedom is being 100% responsible for me, in all aspects, body, mind and spirit. Being in control, in charge, or getting carried away. Freedom is understanding that my life, my results, my appearance, my relationships, my profession, absolutely everything was (or is) my choice, or lack of it (which is also a choice), my consequence (depending on what I did or did not – now as I hear myself saying it – “I stopped doing it” sounds like I was supposed to have done something but didn’t honor with my commitment ” – but I get it now that it is not the case at all), my decisions.

Freedom is allowing my gifts and talents to unfold without judgment.

To be authentic, real, natural, express myself fully, expand, grow, stay, move, go for it, get some rest, take a day off, have a PJ day, run a marathon, play when I feel like it, start something new, stop something I don’t like, get rid of what doesn’t spark joy anymore, buy what pleases my eyes or makes my heart sing.

Being free is to be myself truly, all of it, or none of it, anytime, anywhere, anyway, my most divine being, my best version, me here & now and be okay with it.

Freedom is to own all the concepts I choose to label myself and to get rid of the ones someone else given but don’t represent me at all. Freedom is to be confident, exuberant, a free spirit, beautiful, sophisticated, elegant, powerful, a believer, a relentless student, faithful, limitless, a leader, a follower, a server, a survivor, an inspiration, a motivador, a speaker, a woman ahead of her time, a blessing, an angel, a daughter of God, a treasure finder, a grateful heart, an appreciator, conscious awareness, love, light, compassion, harmony, peace and more. Freedom is to embody each one of those magnificent descriptions of God’s perfect creation. It is to be all of it, or none of it when it fits me. Freedom is to be okay with and not even make a big deal about going towards things, places and people I choose to and want more of or walk away from the ones that have already served their purpose in my life. It is to experience life my own unique way, living in this body I was entrusted and enjoy my exclusive freewill.

To be free is to show up in my most naked self, with or without make up on, in a good or bad hair day, perfect or bitten nails, over or under weight, respecting myself as I look in the mirror and deal with others and respecting others no matter what they do, say or how they act.

Freedom is to always find a way to bring something good to someone, to cheer up their day, bring light to their lives, a smile to their face, hope to their heart, while bring truth to myself and my unique way of living.

Freedom is to forgive myself and others and let it go the poison it brings to my mind, it is to silence my busy self-talk and to tune into what I decide to listen to. It is to feel okay when I am not okay and to dance and jump around when I am in full ecstasy and excitement. Freedom is to walk barefoot, enjoy walking in the rain, dance when I hear “Dancing Queen”, cry each and every time there’s an upcoming overflow of tears in my eyes. Freedom is to get involved deeply, let myself go, stay with it and allow all the feeling to take me over. It is to be insane, love something and a minutes later change my opinion and be okay with that. Freedom is to walk away from what I once loved, but no longer do; it is to not be eternally responsible for what I’ve once cultivated. Freedom is to express my opposite vision of the Little Prince MO and whoever else, of course respectfully having my own point of view and understanding people that happen to have a different opinion – and remain friends with them – if that’s what both sides want…

Freedom is simple, it is simply to live my own, exclusive, unique life. Freedom is to say all these things, to own my truth and feel myself proud.

If I got to be free, I’ve got to be me, Not the “me” you think I should be, not the “me” my spouse thinks I should be, not the “me” my kids think I should be. If I got to be free, I’ve got to me, the “me” I should be.

Bob Proctor

Feel free to agree… In order for me to be free, I’ve got to be me. That’s it!

Are you free!? What is freedom for you?

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How old is too old? Wed, 09 Sep 2020 17:50:29 +0000 Continue Reading]]> An extensive study in the USA revealed that:

  • The most productive age of human life is between 60 and 70 years;
  • The 2nd most productive stage of the human being is between 70 and 80 years;
  • The 3rd most productive stage is 50 and 60 years.

Before that the human being has not yet reached its peak.

Thanks @sporlab for the picture!

The average age of Nobel Prize winners is 62;
The average age of presidents of the world’s 100 largest companies is 63;
The average age of pastors in the 100 largest churches in the U.S. is 71;
The average age of popes is 76 years.

This confirms that the best and most productive years of the human being are between 60 and 80 years of age.


This study was published by a team of physicians and psychologists in the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE
They found that at age 60 you reach the top of your emotional and mental potential and that continues until you are 80.

In a 2008 article in the Journal of Psychological Science in the Public Interest, researchers charted the range of cognition—or how well our brains can function—at various ages. What we find is that the potential for high-functioning brain activity peaks in our 50s but remains high until our 90s and functional into the 100s; however, the average person peaks at 30 and declines to a nonfunctioning state by his or her late 80s.

I’ve seen people starting their business at the age of 70 and at a time, accepted the fact that maybe I wasn’t old to start on mine. 🙂 My mother-in-law had her business running until the age of 95! She’s ironed man’s shirt for entrepreneurs and local business owners for over 76 years, she used to say proudly. Can you imagine that? Even if she had started her ironing business at the age of 70, she would have run it successfully for 25 years!!!

Picture: @John Moeses Bauan – Thanks!

What is your excuse to not do or start something you always wanted?

A week has seven days and someday is not one of them 😉

The time to start is now! Embrace your dreams, take the first step.

If it is important to you, you will find the time, you will find a way, you will find the money. If it is not, you will find an excuse… You’ve got to choose 😏

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Live Fully Today Fri, 04 Sep 2020 00:49:08 +0000 Continue Reading]]> If not now, when?

How many times we put ourselves in front of the person we can become and instead of having empowering thoughts and taking actions, we allow negative thinking to take over… Because our feelings’ triggers start at our thought level and impulsion our actions, guess what happens? Nothing.

T H O U G H T S -> F E E L I N G S -> R E S U L T S

However we all have gone through situations, called defining moments, where something happened in such a powerful way that has shifted our modus operandi to a whole different level. It is like a wake up call, which make us see the world with different lenses. Almost like life was black and white and after that become colorful and even the minimum details are noticed.

I’ve learned that when we don’t want something we will find an excuse. But when we truly want something: we will find time, we will find a way, we will find money. If it is important to us, we will make it happen.

Because of the free will, we will always have a choice and obviously have to deal with the consequences of it. One way or another it is our responsibility.

While we still live in Wander land, life doesn’t happen, we are just going through the motions. Often living and working on somebody else’s schedule and agenda. Sad. We are presented tons of opportunities throughout our lifetime, and it is always up to us what to do about it. Like receiving an invitation to a party. There will always be pos and cons, but the choice is ours. They say that when you knock the door of opportunity, work answers. It is up to you what to do, and you know it.

God gave us today to do whatever we want with it. That is why it is called PRESENT. It is truly a privilege to be here. We can’t live in the past, actually thinking too much about it, bring us depression. We can’t live in the future, and again spending too much time there, bring us anxiety. Here and now is the only time we’ve got to do, be, become, make a difference or none of the above. I invite you to experience your presence on this planet in a whole different level, if you will and to Live Fully Today!

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