How much power do you give to your intuition?
Intuition is the whisper of the soul
Jiddu Krishnamurti
I was supposed to have a surgery today – nothing serious – but that has to be addressed eventually.
In a couple of hours I would be in an operation room, having a general anesthesia and only God knows what would have happened… I don’t, we don’t. I wasn’t congruent with any of this and even though have done researches, talked to the doctor multiple times and trust him and all, something was telling me to call it off.
I was brooding over this for a few days, until I decided it should be canceled.
I remember last year I had a plane to catch and canceled it 12 hours before the trip.
…Intuition is knowing without knowing…
I buy stocks in the financial market following my intuition.
It guides me, I trust it with my life. I suppose I will never know what would have happened if this, or that, but I am congruent with the way things are.

How about you, how much do you trust and follow your intuition?
Interesting thing, I woke up this morning with a song in my head and started singing as I first opened my eyes, decided to look it up the words, it was a Oswaldo Montenegro – a Brazilian singer – the guy with the long hair 😉 – and for my surprise – the song is called “Intuição” – which in English means Intuition…
a link below just in case you want to expand your cultural skills 🙂 https://youtu.be/LiW2FFzYvwE