attitude – Live Fully Today Blog If not now, When? Wed, 10 Feb 2021 19:34:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 attitude – Live Fully Today Blog 32 32 2021 Sun, 31 Jan 2021 20:38:26 +0000 Continue Reading]]> – I don’t even know you but already love you!  

Those were the first words that came to mind as soon as I stepped out of 2020…

What a year that was, wasn’t it!?

What a wonderful thing this feeling of new beginnings… 

Nothing really happened, actually we just added “1” to the number and as in magic, everything transformed. Excitement, hope, willingness to do and try something different, new plans and of course, the old and so well known “New Year’s Resolution”.

For the first time, I decided I was not going to embark on that one, because it felt like a source of disappointment in the previous years and a realization how I did not follow through on my unconditional promises to myself. 

I changed my approach a little bit, though. I’ve been learning a lot about the whole mindset thing, manifestation and self-image. Gosh I feel like everybody is talking about that, so I decided to give it a try…

“Your results reflect the way you see yourself”. Ouch! I thought as I went through a self assessment in my mind and I heard my inner voice reviving a video lesson…

– Really!? How is that possible!? I started asking myself – upset about how some things were in some areas of my life.

It wasn’t too long ago when I realized that I was actually upset with myself, my lack of action and/or excess of bad planning.

Each time I thought about doing something great, immediately I would block that idea and think that wasn’t for me…

Maybe it wasn’t, but I could at least have given a try, right!?

“Whether you think you can or that you can’t, you are correct” – Thomas Edison reminded me of his wisdom. 

– Do I really want to hear all this stuff? – I asked myself.

– Yes you do, Sheyla! (exclamation point) yelled my inner voice.

– You said you were ready for a change, didn’t you!? 

Welcome on board and enjoy the ride! 

With love,


P.S. Remember you can do whatever you want, one day at a time. Be grateful, all the time, because any second everything can be taken away from you. Make a decision right now to be healthy, happy and to Live Fully 2day. It is a privilege to be here, so enjoy the Present!!

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✨ Pearl Harbor ✨ Fri, 04 Dec 2020 17:26:53 +0000 Continue Reading]]>

Our military thought that they couldn’t get to Pearl Harbor, that it was too long a journey from Japan to get there, and they proved us wrong.

Jerry Bruckheimer

🔥 How many times we think of things being impossible, too hard to do, or to accomplish? and right there we stop going in that direction!? ⚡

👉 The truth is you are the only problem you will ever going to have and you are also the only solution! 👈

🎯 It is all about our mindset, what is going on inside – the inner talk – that determines our results.

Do you think the Japanese thought they could not do it!? 😒

This is a huge reflection for us…
But today I’d like to honor all the ones that made the ultimate sacrifice 🙏 back then in 1941, their loved ones and families that till this day are impacted by such a tragedy. 💞

See, as terrible as it was, it marked the moment US decided to enter the WWII and you know the facts, later on led to the end of the war. 🌷

Thank you @Casey Horner for the gorgeous picture – Unsplash!

💥 Think of those things that might have happened in your life… would it be an opportunity to turn things around and “right your story”? 🌹

Think about it…

#pearlharbor #pearlharborfilm #pearlharborgiftshop #pearlharborhawaii #pearlharborkai #pearlHarbortribute #adversities #breakdown #breakdowns #breakthrough #breakthroughs #rupture #ruptures

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