behaviors – Live Fully Today Blog If not now, When? Sun, 07 Feb 2021 23:10:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 behaviors – Live Fully Today Blog 32 32 System Update Sat, 05 Sep 2020 00:25:56 +0000 Continue Reading]]> Is your old version holding you hostage?

How many times we live our lives on automated mode, we stop thinking and just go through the motions? We do the same things, make the same choices, go to the same places, tell the same stories…

Perhaps the life pattern you’ve defined a long time ago is still the same… When was the last time you’ve updated your “modus operandi”? Is it out dated? Many believe it is safe to take the more traveled road, to stay with the known, compared to something new…

Have you ever questioned yourself about old thoughts, behaviors, habits and attitudes? Do they still go along with you, or have you been caring and using the same for a very long time? Do they still reflect the person you are today? Better than that, do they represent the person you want to be?

People change cars, clothes, shoes, hair style… even electronic devices and operational systems require updates. How about you? When was the last time you “rebooted” to get your mind updated?

The way you see the world today and your inner voice, are they going along or there is an ongoing battle? Are your values and beliefs compliant with the way you see life now? Is it congruent with your internal dialogue (that little voice that talks to you while you do things)? Are your actions and thoughts aligned with what you really wanna do, be and have?

Free yourself up from the garbage of your past and things that don’t belong anymore. Get rid of the old stuff and make room for the new. We do take time to do Spring cleaning, renew our house style, decor, little gadgets, sometimes we rethink the whole thing and bring a whole new theme, colors and style, don’t we? Why is it so hard to make time, stop everything we are doing, close our eyes and start questioning all the outdated stuff we still carry around, but that we know, they do not belong anymore.

I invite you to stop for five precious minutes of your day, revisit and challenge whatever is going on in your mind. Get rid of the trash, dust, polish what is good and require care, make all the necessary updates…

Get your “New Best Self” Today!

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