experience – Live Fully Today Blog https://blog.livefully2day.com If not now, When? Sun, 07 Feb 2021 23:34:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://blog.livefully2day.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-LiveFully2day-if-not-now-when_-Logo--32x32.png experience – Live Fully Today Blog https://blog.livefully2day.com 32 32 Live Fully Today https://blog.livefully2day.com/live-fully-today/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=live-fully-today https://blog.livefully2day.com/live-fully-today/#respond Fri, 04 Sep 2020 00:49:08 +0000 https://blog.livefully2day.com/?p=430 Continue Reading]]> If not now, when?

How many times we put ourselves in front of the person we can become and instead of having empowering thoughts and taking actions, we allow negative thinking to take over… Because our feelings’ triggers start at our thought level and impulsion our actions, guess what happens? Nothing.

T H O U G H T S -> F E E L I N G S -> R E S U L T S

However we all have gone through situations, called defining moments, where something happened in such a powerful way that has shifted our modus operandi to a whole different level. It is like a wake up call, which make us see the world with different lenses. Almost like life was black and white and after that become colorful and even the minimum details are noticed.

I’ve learned that when we don’t want something we will find an excuse. But when we truly want something: we will find time, we will find a way, we will find money. If it is important to us, we will make it happen.

Because of the free will, we will always have a choice and obviously have to deal with the consequences of it. One way or another it is our responsibility.

While we still live in Wander land, life doesn’t happen, we are just going through the motions. Often living and working on somebody else’s schedule and agenda. Sad. We are presented tons of opportunities throughout our lifetime, and it is always up to us what to do about it. Like receiving an invitation to a party. There will always be pos and cons, but the choice is ours. They say that when you knock the door of opportunity, work answers. It is up to you what to do, and you know it.

God gave us today to do whatever we want with it. That is why it is called PRESENT. It is truly a privilege to be here. We can’t live in the past, actually thinking too much about it, bring us depression. We can’t live in the future, and again spending too much time there, bring us anxiety. Here and now is the only time we’ve got to do, be, become, make a difference or none of the above. I invite you to experience your presence on this planet in a whole different level, if you will and to Live Fully Today!

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