law of attraction – Live Fully Today Blog If not now, When? Mon, 03 Jan 2022 12:47:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 law of attraction – Live Fully Today Blog 32 32 The time I did not have Breast Cancer Wed, 06 Oct 2021 20:04:01 +0000 Continue Reading]]>

It was Sept/2012 and I thought I had already gone through all kinds of challenges and that nothing else would threaten my world. But of course it wasn’t the case… It was not yet the time to be sure of myself, strong, and with a confident self-image.

A bomb was dropped in my lap. My usually normal yearly mammogram came back with a Bi raids 4 – “suspicious abnormality on your breast imaging studies. A biopsy should be considered as a next step” – they tried to do all kinds of imaging but unfortunately it did not work. I had once again to go through surgery…

As soon as they said that, that very moment, I convinced myself that I had breast cancer. Watching all those women sitting around in an unfamiliar waiting room of the very same hospital I was so used to, has impacted me tremendously. Some were losing their hair, others lost it all already, a few were wearing scarfs beautifully shaping their perfectly round heads, elegant and purposely planned. Most of them did not have at least one of their breasts… and there I was entering a completely new journey I was not okay with, doomed by Micro calcifications no one could diagnose without once again cutting, checking and removing another piece of my body. 

My first marriage had ruined my self-image, my ex-husband was really good at pointing out all my imperfections and making sure I was aware and completely self-conscious of my body.  After I divorced him, it took me perhaps 10 years to rescue myself from down the heel and finally recover. 

As I was approaching a new positive self-image milestone, I was almost happy with myself, the way I looked, my general appearance, my body… and then this… 

-“Just in case, we will make sure we remove all the micro calcifications, instead of just biopsing” – Doctor Maria do Socorro explained to me. 

So what!? Why?? I thought… then you come back and even though you’ve got it all already, once it is confirmed, you take the whole right breast? What is the point… I don’t get it… I was so upset I could not rationalize…

The conversation in my head was so loud I couldn’t ask any question or even acknowledge her approach or decisions towards what to do with my own body, but just accepted whatever she said…  I walked out of her office – the appointment to understand the next steps, already mastectomyED…

The surgery day arrived and I had multiple and diverse fantasies I had created in my head. All of them were really bad… they would open and see “all those ugly things” and decide right there that the best thing to do would be to remove the whole breast right.  Another one would be that they would remove only the micro calcifications, but the damage done during the surgery was irreparable. This last one was based on my own experience at the Cancer hospital – because their focus is always to remove the “thing” they consider the problem, whatever it takes, even if you have to walk out of there handicap. 

I became a master in fantasizing “worst-case scenarios” and to me, they were real.

I was completely shocked with what I saw the day after the surgery, when I could finally “check” the result of their work and the impact in my body. The scar was a state of art, immaculate perfectly around the nipple curve, almost imperceptive. Except for the bruises, there was nothing visually depressing. It was almost a relief if I did not start focusing on the mystery of the pathology results. 

Another way too long unknown period of apprehension and expectancy. 

One thing that I most hated was the never-ending waiting time, either to know what was going to be the prognostic, what the doctor had to say about such and such image or test result or every time something went to be “checked” – the timeframe of pathological anatomy results. More time in my hands to live in depressing fantasy land and the fear of the unknown.

It was a couple of weeks before Christmas when I finally got to see the doctor again and finally talk to her, because even if I did before the general anesthesia took effect, I had no recollection of the fact. 

This picture was taken later that year 2012 at my ranch, back in Brasil with my now husband

This time my boyfriend was with me, American and just barely started to speak Portuguese decided to get into the doctor’s office with me and chat with the doctor, ask questions, next steps, etc. I felt cared for and protected and actually loved that he did. I remember sitting at the bed, the doctor examining me, and they two talking back and forth. There were moments I believe the doctor was talking directly to me, but the conversation in my head was way too loud and busy. I was having a hard time trying to make sense of becoming bald, wear a wig or not, hide with a scarf or not, would my head be nice and round as many women? what about my gigantic ears? everybody was going to make fun of me… I was going to look terrible… no one would look at me anymore – my long hair signature tale was over. What about losing the breast, the boyfriend, bringing my self-image back to the mud. If she ever talked to me directly, I have no idea what she said, truly. 

Then I heard “Bom Natal”, which means “Merry Christmas” and apparently it was time to leave, but I had no idea what just happened there.

My then boyfriend looked at me as we walked out of the office and mentioned” What a weird doctor!”. – Really? I asked… Why do you say that? Wasn’t it inappropriate of her to tell me that? – What do you mean? I asked. You didn’t hear!? He asked, shocked. She called me “Bonitao”, he nodded incongruently, not believing what just happened…

No, she didn’t. I corrected him. She said Bom Natal, not Bonitao. My sense of humor was numb. The grieving process was taking its course in my head.

I kind of felt he was trying to cheer me up with his usual corny jokes, but he actually thought the doctor called him: Handsome. My thoughts took over again. I was numbed and now frustrated, having no idea of my own prognostic. I was very low, devastated, but he seemed to be okay and in good spirits. We stopped at the “Casa do Pao de Queijo” still inside the hospital and ordered two coffees and a basket of mini pao de queijo – a traditional cheese bread brazilians die for it. I was having a relationship with my own coffee, the pao de queijo and my thoughts. Speechless, blinded. A thousand things coming to mind at the same time, I couldn’t stop them. I was devastated, I couldn’t see the positive in that, I wasn’t in the mood to talk, to be cheered up, to listen or to do anything, but just to  keep giving energy to the crazy negative thoughts that seemed to have taken over my ability to choose for myself, make decisions, or make them stop. Aren’t you happy!? he asked… Relief!? He carefully added…

-Me!? No. Why? Why should I be?  

-He looked at me confused, but very aware of the mining zone he was stepping into… 

I kept staring at my coffee, breast-less, bald, unloved, uncared, ugly, no self-image, tired of cancer and all the destruction it had already caused in my life. I thought I was a survivor, graduated, MBAed in cancer… a fortress, almost immortal. I thought there wouldn’t be anything that would bring me down, that I got it… but that one really played a role on me. Put myself back into the familiar and automated butchery material mode – no self-image. You are okay… he said, carefully spelling every letter in each word

-You say that because it is not you. Enough of this! I said angrily. 

-Honey, he called carefully, firmly and lovingly… did you hear what the doctor said?

-Bom Natal? I replied

-No, before that. Do you understand what is happening? He very gently started

-What? I tried to raise my head and look at him. 

-You are okay… he said very slowly and beautifully

-Even if you are okay with me without my breast, I am not, I said. I never thought this would affect me like this. I don’t want to go through this. It took me a lifetime to rescue myself from my marriage, my past and the way I used to feel about myself. I started crying, desperate.

He took my hands, looked deep into my eyes and repeated.

-Honey, you are okay, the results were negative. There is nothing else you have to do. It is over. You are healthy and I love you no matter what.

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Don’t do that! Sat, 06 Feb 2021 22:13:17 +0000 Continue Reading]]> I hear a lot of people talking about a bunch of things they don’t want.

– “I don’t want to get sick.”, “I don’t want have debt.”, “I don’t want to die young.”, “I don’t want to arrive late at work.”, “I don’t want to get depressed.”, “I do not want to overeat.” … and the list goes on…

The weird thing is that all that they seem to avoid is what end up by happening…

It is really amazing how aware people are of all the things they DO NOT WANT. But when you ask them:

What do you really want?

They look at you like you’ve just landed from Mars…

– I just told you… they reply not understanding what you are talking about.

Ask, and it shall be given to you. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7
Alexa, Do NOT play Christmas music!

We think in images. Our conscious mind creates images as indexes and a sophisticated searching mechanism. Each time we hear or say something, the brain “creates” an image to identify what that is; and the interesting thing is, even when we add “don’t” before the thing it still does the same work: either creates the new image or Retrieve a previous one once stored.

Let’s say I tell you: “do not think of a blue vase“!

<wait a few seconds> Tell me, what happened!?

Did you think of a blue vase, or did you not?

I bet you did 😉

Second question: how did you blue vase look like!?

I googled: “blue vase” and saw thousands of images that I would never have imagined a blue vase would look like… then I found this one here and thought it was very interesting…

Did your blue vase look like this one!?

I bet it did not 😀

But Why, you might be asking!?

You said “DO NOT” think of a blue vase!

Why did I think of it?

Because, as I’ve mentioned, we think in images and at the moment I said blue vase, perhaps there was already a register of a blue vase in our brain – from a time in your life – that you probably don’t even recall, but it was there… it was indexed, so as your brain captured the information required – “Blue Vase” – like a searching mechanism, it looked for all that somewhat matched that request (pretty much what google does) and immediately brought you the image related to what you’ve heard of and instantaneously thought of.

Your mind found what you were searching for – made an association – then, only after that, it tried to apply the “do not”, “don’t”, “not”, “never”, etc… but because the image was already there, created or retrieved, by the time you recognize it was a negative request, it is too late. The whole process had already happened.

It seems complicated, but really it isn’t.

Do you recall someone trying to tell a small child or a baby to not do something and the very second they finish the sentence, the kid did exactly what was asked – like they were given a command: “Do not put your finger in the outlet“, “do not touch the stove“, “Do not throw the toy“… and as an urge to please the asking parent, the baby did it all, proudly as it was requested (and their brain knew how to process the information).

No matter how old we get, we still operate the same way.

That is why it is so important to say and state all the things you want. All that you wish to see happening and you would like to have. Instead of chanting to the Universe all the problems, bad relationships, abusive jobs, illness, debts and other things you DO NOT want in your life.

Now you know, you are aware.

Next time you catch yourself thinking, telling yourself or even talking to others that way, STOP. Take a deep breath and think what is the opposite of those bad things you were thinking about… How would you say that in a positive way?

Because we were conditioned to think like this a very long time ago, some people have difficulties thinking the positive way.

Here are a few examples: “I want to be healthy, happy and fulfilled”, ” I want to live fully and prosper”, “I want to enjoy the lifestyle I’ve always wanted and deserve”, “I want to live in my dream home.”, “I want to have a respectful, loving, affectionate and good looking partner.”, “I want to be close to and to spend quality time with the people I love.”, “I want to do what I love and create a profitable life using my God giving talents.”, “I want to practice gratitude daily.”, “I want to let it go things, resentments and bad experiences.”, “I want to forgive and be forgiven.”, …and so much more…

What is that you want?

Imagine for a second about the pizza ordering system. When you think or say something, that “request” is heard and registered and the process of making it happen, starts. The more you talk about, think of it and get emotionally attached to it, faster it will be ready for delivery.

Let’s play a little bit with one of our mental faculties here: our Imagination.

Every time you say or think of things, I want you to imagine sound waves – carrying it out to the Universe all your wishes and desires. To represent the process of the Universe “listening to you” and “processing your requests” to getting things done, imagine you’ve rubbed the lamp and a genius pops up. No matter what it is, good or bad things – you will get it. The more involved you get, the more emotional and connected to the feeling of “already seeing it happen”, more probable it shall happen and materialize into the physical world.

Whatever you say, imagine the Universe responding to you:

– “Your wish is my command!”

Knowing that, what would you focus on, now that you are aware?

Would you ask for what you’ve been avoiding or the things you truly want?

What is that you really really want?

Say it out loud. Write it down. Make a list.


Repeat it to yourself daily until it happens!

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