Today, I realize that what I want in life is up to me. There is no one in my way. If I want something, I know that desire is not enough. I need to do what it takes to be a winner, before I can win.
Robert Kiyosaki

A very long time ago I’ve read “The Law of Success” from Napoleon Hill and learned The Philosophy of Success by heart (in Portuguese) – in English I don’t even know how to start… perhaps I should dedicate some time to it 😉
I was touched by how someone was able to word in such a perfect way what I already deeply believed in my soul.
Before we start anything, we must see it complete, or it will not happen. There are so many quotes, books and testimonials out there reinforcing just that. Why go against the current, if using it in our favor can get us there faster!? – can you believe I just came up with this amazing quote!? 😀
Envision whatever you are trying to achieve before you have any thought about how to do it. Then, make a decision to get it done – and that you can do it! And only after that get yourself in motion to take the very first step – only one – towards that dream.